Creating life and allowing it to enter the world is one of the biggest moments of a mother’s life and it is essential when pregnant that you give birth in an environment that allows your baby to take their first breaths filled with supportive, empowering energy.
This is why birthing wishes matter so much and given that, outside of complicated births, research has shown that having a doula with whom you have built a trusting relationship will greatly improve your birth experience.
Feeling safe, comfortable and supported helps release more of the hormones that will allow you to give birth with more ease and significantly reduce the need for medical interventions. Labours are shorter and women are more likely to rate their birth experience as positive.
A planned home birth is as safe as having your baby in a hospital and enlisting a doula’s services will be to provide the best possible start for mother and child if at home, freebirthing or in hospital.
If you opt for a home birth, here are some expectations you should have when planning a home birth with a doula.
You Will Be Surrounded By Support
The big appeal of a home birth, aside from the cosy environment, is that while a hospital maternity unit limits the number of people who can be around you as you give birth to no more than one or two, a home birth allows for an expectant mother to be surrounded by family, friends and loving energy.
Beyond your birthing partners, you will have your doula by your side as well as a midwife, if you choose to, who is specially trained and will guide you through the process, as well as prepare for any contingencies.
It Can Be More Straightforward
Women often opt for a hospital birth as they believe they will be looked after more safely. Unfortunately the latest analysis of many hospital maternity trusts shows two-thirds of NHS maternity units rate as not being safe enough to give birth in.
Hospitals are usually busy, noisy and stressful places. Travelling to the hospital is often very uncomfortable and stressful. Once there, it is the norm to have to face long waits for treatment or to see a consultant or anaesthetist, even in maternity units.
Having to face these pressures while in labour can significantly affect how the labour progresses while increasing feelings of discomfort and pain.
Obviously if there are any problems or you just change your mind, your doula will make arrangements to get you to hospital, so it is not a case of one or the other. You always have options.