How we move our body affects every part of our daily lives, and that is especially true during pregnancy, labour and birth.
A lot of birth doulas and midwives have examined the study of biomechanics to explore and understand potential positions, movements and techniques that can help ease labour and help babies navigate the pelvis.
How Do Biomechanics Techniques Work?
Biomechanics for birth works by using body positioning and gentle movements to help relax the body, rotate the baby into a position that makes it as easy as possible for them to pass through the pelvis and create movement to give the mother and child as smooth and comfortable a birth as possible.
Whilst biomechanics can sometimes be primarily focused on reducing the chance of dystocia and therefore the need for medical interventions or a c-section, many of the techniques used in biomechanics can help from the third trimester (28 weeks onwards) up to labour.
With the help of a doula, midwife or birth partner, biomechanical techniques consist of a series of gentle stretches, movements and positions that help muscles relax and give babies more space to move.
The movements should never be painful or uncomfortable, and doing many of them regularly will help prepare your body and the baby for labour and a beautiful natural birth.
When Are Biomechanics Used By A Doula?
Exactly which ones will be used will depend on the position of your baby, as different biomechanical techniques can help depending on where the baby is in the pelvis.
If they are the opening of the pelvis, techniques such as the abdominal lift and tuck can help the baby move into the pelvis, particularly during the early stages of labour.
Other techniques such as a side-lying release or the lunge can help when the baby is progressing further during pregnancy and labour or can help reposition them if they are off to one side.
If you want to know more about how biomechanics can help you achieve your birth goals, get in touch with a doula today.